So it begins...

     Hello, Welcome to the very first post of this new endeavor of mine, Remembering the Beauty of Yesteryear, a title very much inspired by the writings of L. M. Montgomery. To anyone reading this, let me introduce myself. My name is Iris, and I am 18 years old. I live in the USA, and without giving away my location, I live far enough from the ocean as to break the heart of anyone who wishes to take long strolls down the beach. The first "old fashioned" book that I remember having a big impact on me was Anne of Green Gables. Not long after I watched the Keven Sullivan movie, and my love of the world, clothes, and life of the mid to late 1800's was born. AoGG has remained one of the books/movies that always make me feel happy, no matter how many times I have read/watched them. I have a passion for (mostly) all literature and fashion that takes place before the 60's, but my favorites being things from the Victorian-Edwardian era, and the 1940-50s. 
  The idea of starting a blog has been floating around in my head for quite some time. What made me finally do it was when a blog that has inspired me greatly, Yet Another Period Drama Blog, closed down. I have been reading Amy's blog for a long time, and I can't tell you how many period dramas I have fallen in love with thanks to her recommendation. I felt like something so influential to my love of everything old and good had died. But change can be a good thing. The closing of her blog got me thinking. I realized that I have a fair amount of knowledge, and have plenty of things in my mind that I know fellow enthusiasts would read and enjoy.
  Now, allow me to inform you of the purpose of this corner of the cyber space. If you have somehow stumbled accros my blog, then it is safe to assume that you are one or a combination of three things: an old fashioned reader, watcher, or dresser. No matter if you love things Medieval, Regency, Victorian, 1920's, or WWII, we all have one thing in common. We love anything even remotely connected to that certain time period, and the finding of new books, well made period dramas, or ways to "channel" the fashions of the century is always exciting. My hope with this blog is to help other people with the same interests as me to find new ways to fulfill that desire for things of long ago, because believe me, I understand the ache deep in the soul for things of that sort. All sentimental mumbo jumbo aside, from this blog expect recommendations of good period dramas, rants about my favorite books and characters, ideas on how to add that certain something that evokes yesteryear into your wardrobe and home, and possibly photos of food and old fashioned stuff. (you can also expect some posts geared towards all things fantasy, as LOTR is something that shaped me growing up.)  I apologize in advance, I'm a mixed bag.
  Finally, thank you so much for reading this introductory post. I look forward to sharing my interests and ideas. This is my first time running a blog, so please understand if I do something crazy to the setting. I'll do my best to work it out. Also, if you find my blog interesting, please let me know! I would LOVE to meet more people with whom I share common interests. I hope that we can create some sort of a community where we all share and learn new thing about something that is so beautiful.
Have a great day!
