
Showing posts from 2018

How to make an outfit like unto Anne

      I would like to give a shoutout to my friend Sarah, who was kind enough to be my editor for this post. Thanks so much!                   Most people have a fashion inspiration. These days it seems to be some celebrity they follow on Instagram. Personally, most of mine lived at least 100 years ago. Some of my biggest fashion influences have been Eowyn and hobbits from Lord of the Rings, and most fashion from the 1800’s up to the 1950’s. Probably my earliest and biggest fashion inspiration was Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel. When I was younger, it was an ideal which I was never able to attain. I would wear a skirt that kinda looked old fashioned with a slightly ugly blouse, but it was never very satisfying as I never quite got the look I wanted. Only recently have I actually taken steps to figure out ways to make my wardrobe like unto Anne’s, and while not perfect, it gives me scope for the imagination.      It is a common misconception that dressing in

My top ten go-to period drama movies

     I am here today to address a very important issue. At some point in your life, you have experienced being in the mood to watch something enjoyable, safe, and dramatic, and been unable to find anything. It is annoying, and really disappointing considering how many movie are made a year. You would think that there would be more good stuff out there. Unfortunately, Clean, engaging, non cheesy period dramas can be hard to find. But they do exist. I have spent a lot of time finding and watching period dramas, because priorities, and have now put together a list of my personal favorites. Some of these I am sure you have watched, but I am positive that at lest one of these will be new to you, and catch your interest.  #1: Pride and Prejudice (1995) This is a classic, and I'm sure most of you have watched it already. If not, it is about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy's relationship going from haughty disdain, to positive dislike, and eventually ending in ardent affection

So it begins...

     Hello, Welcome to the very first post of this new endeavor of mine, Remembering the Beauty of Yesteryear, a title very much inspired by the writings of L. M. Montgomery. To anyone reading this, let me introduce myself. My name is Iris, and I am 18 years old. I live in the USA, and without giving away my location, I live far enough from the ocean as to break the heart of anyone who wishes to take long strolls down the beach. The first "old fashioned" book that I remember having a big impact on me was Anne of Green Gables. Not long after I watched the Keven Sullivan movie, and my love of the world, clothes, and life of the mid to late 1800's was born. AoGG has remained one of the books/movies that always make me feel happy, no matter how many times I have read/watched them. I have a passion for (mostly) all literature and fashion that takes place before the 60's, but my favorites being things from the Victorian-Edwardian era, and the 1940-50s.    The idea of start